Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Greetings From the Rock!

N.B. The formatting on this post is all over the place! We tried everything to get it right, but there's double-spacing in one paragraph and single in the next... We don't know what's going on; and the draft looks perfect! Please ignore it -- and hopefully we'll get it sorted in future posts... Also, please leave us a comment! Please... please... please?

CLICK ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE! (Trust us, they're much more impressive bigger!)

It's been a while -- we'd intended to start this blog as soon as we arrived here in Jersey, but time got away from us and we've spent the last few days job searching, re-acclimatising and catching up with James' family. Not necessarily in that order.

And for those of you who know we live -- literally -- next door to a pub, you'll be pleased to hear we've only been in once for a pint... But, naturally, we've visited a few other other local public houses, too!
Well, as we don't know quite where to start, we thought we'd start off with a few photos of our new home, so you can all get some kind of idea of where we're living. It might be small on living space, but this place is BIG on history.
This first photo was taken standing outside our front door:

But it just gets better! ...
This is a Martello tower on Ouaisne beach (pron. "Way Nay")... more on Martello towers later...
Lots of footprints on the beach yesterday morning -- and not all the human kind:
The start of a collection of "seaglass" (and sea-pottery):

So many types of seaweed...

The view from the headland, looking out over Ouaisne Bay and "The Cottage" (home):

The Martello tower in Ouaisne Bay -- it was early in the morning, and the sea mist was rolling off the sand dunes. Unfortunately it turned into rain later in the day!

Standing on the headland between St Brelade Bay and Ouaisne Bay -- actually they're all one and the same until the tide comes in and separates them!

James found a friend on the beach! Seriously... this woman was out walking her dogs (yes, I AM jealous) and minding her own business -- until James bounded up and gave her a hug. Ah, everyone knows everyone in Jersey!

Lobster pots in our car park:

Our new address... farewell to house numbers and numbered streets! We LOVE our new address, although we always thought "T-Bone Ranch" in Greeley, Colorado, would've been kinda fun...

Ta-Da! Our 16th Century abode from the outside. Actually, we only have the ground floor... half of the ground floor... but still, it has CHARACTER! The history of this particular house is a story in itself (for another day!):


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys got there safely and it looks like a great place to live!!! (by the way, this is Julia).

Anonymous said...

The photos are amazing! Which of you took them? I especially love the perspective of the one between St Brelade Bay and Ouaisne. The grass in the foreground makes me feel the breeze! Missing you and wanting to come visit today! :-) Love you guys, Jenny

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is so gorgeous where you are. Hmmmm....from Greeley to the must be rough!!! We had dog group last night and boy, do we miss you. Although you came up numerous times! You are still with us in spirit! I am glad you are having fun exploring your new world. Can't wait to come visit!!!