We had a few emails from people saying they couldn't leave a comment... come on, it's not that hard -- UNLESS SARAHS SETS UP THE BLOG! It should now be in correct working order -- simply click on "Comments" and then write your piece... Select a "User" type from the list -- "Anonymous" is probably easiest, so if you use that remember to leave your name in the comment itself!
As for the photos not enlarging when you click on them... Sarah again. Will work on it. Promise.
Righto, we need to head out the door and enjoy the sunshine -- yes! sunshine! -- while it lasts...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
How to Leave a Comment, For Those Who Asked
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, January 29, 2009 3 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Greetings From the Rock!
N.B. The formatting on this post is all over the place! We tried everything to get it right, but there's double-spacing in one paragraph and single in the next... We don't know what's going on; and the draft looks perfect! Please ignore it -- and hopefully we'll get it sorted in future posts... Also, please leave us a comment! Please... please... please?
CLICK ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE! (Trust us, they're much more impressive bigger!)
It's been a while -- we'd intended to start this blog as soon as we arrived here in Jersey, but time got away from us and we've spent the last few days job searching, re-acclimatising and catching up with James' family. Not necessarily in that order.
So many types of seaweed...
The view from the headland, looking out over Ouaisne Bay and "The Cottage" (home):
Standing on the headland between St Brelade Bay and Ouaisne Bay -- actually they're all one and the same until the tide comes in and separates them!
James found a friend on the beach! Seriously... this woman was out walking her dogs (yes, I AM jealous) and minding her own business -- until James bounded up and gave her a hug. Ah, everyone knows everyone in Jersey!
Lobster pots in our car park:
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4 comments