Shelley had a little boy! Oscar; he arrived early Wednesday morning and were lucky to get to go see him in hospital that afternoon. Lucky, because he's been in the Special Care Unit since then and the only other family besides parents allowed to visit is grandparents! He should be out of the unit tomorrow (he has some kind of infection); but he and Shelley have to stay in hospital until Monday.
Papa D (James's dad) went mad with his camera (are we surprised?!) and took a good stack of photos yesterday morning and got them printed immediately... Granny Moira bought Mothercare out of all blue newborn clothes just a few hours after Oscar entered the world, and Uncles Lew and Jamesy conferred on how long it'll be before Baby Bean joins the 'men' at the rugby on Saturdays.
And in other news... A beautiful, sunny day; we went for a quick walk when we got home from work this evening and realised again how happy we are that we're only moving up the road.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A New Jersey Bean
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, May 21, 2009 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Welcome Baaaaaaby
No, not ours.
James's sister, Shelley, is in labour as I type! In fact, she might be a mum by now... She went into labour at 6am this morning, but didn't go to hospital until about 7 this evening as they'd been hoping for a home birth. Unfortunately she had to change the plan -- everything's fine though -- and we're waiting to hear the news! Any minute! Today is her actual due date, so it might just be a very punctual baby. Expecting to get a text/phone call any time but could be in the early hours of tomorrow morning of course...
Other news? We've been busy; thank goodness the days are much longer now so it feels like we've got a bit more time. We move the weekend after next -- can't wait to leave 'the cave' (this place was fine in the winter but now that the weather's getting better we've really noticed how cold and dark it is! Ugh!).
For anyone interested in Google-Earthing our new abode, try La Rue Voisin, Portelet. Not far from where we are at present -- and just happens to be right next to yet another lovely old pub... Not quite as close as we are now though.
I've started running (or 'trotting' as my colleague calls it... because we run like pigs -- very inelegantly) with a friend from work during our lunch hours; only half an hour or so but that's enough to get me warmed up! Hooray -- it must be good for us because I've lost half a stone (don't convert it, it'll be far less impressive) and we've only been doing it a few weeks. She's adamant that we'll be fit enough to run a half marathon at the end of the summer... watch this space.
We've been invited to help 'plant' a church with a colleague of James's and his wife! Never thought that would happen in Jersey... We met with them and a few other people last weekend and it was great -- they (James's colleague and his wife) have started four churches in the past, all of which I believe are still going strong -- all in Africa. They're from Zimbabwe but most recently lived in South Africa and moved here at exactly the same time we did! Weirdly, so did the three other people (two Zimbabweans and a girl from the Bahamas)! The new church is already somewhat underway; just looking for a semi-permanent venue and a band! Really we'd be happy if we could bring Christ Community here of course, but this is also pretty exciting. And so way beyond anything we'd ever imagined being part of so we'll see what happens... Last week James and I went to a lunchtime session called 'Business Connect' at a church in town; it was great and so interesting. There's a different speaker and lesson every week and it's a chance to network a bit over lunch (provided) and some pretty deep questions!
Work is going well; my job just seems to get better and better -- I am so grateful for it! It seems like that was the one thing missing when we lived in the US and so I'm really making the most of it now. It's such a great learning opportunity and I'm taking advantage of every course, seminar and training opportunity I possibly can! I'm even learning a tiny bit of HTML... emphasis on tiny... (Obviously not enough to fix the layout and formatting of this blog, grrr).
James and I are both off to Edinburgh, Scotland, in the first weekend of June. It's my Granny's 96th birthday, our good friends' Rob and Raphi's wedding (James is organising Rob's stag do...), and my folks arrive the same weekend, too. Can't wait!
So a busy few weeks ahead -- and in the meantime we still don't know if we're aunty and uncle yet!
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Tuesday, May 19, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Checkin' In
Still here...
An update in less than twenty words: James started new job (enjoying); moving again (yay!); weather improving (yee-HA); Liberation Day this weekend -- should be interesting.
Funny story...? We've been bargain hunting for furniture for the new place and have been using the Jersey version of Craigslist a bit. For some reason I've landed the job of Chief Coordinator (i.e. call, arrange viewing time, schedule pickup...).
The funny story? There is a funny story, but I can hardly keep my eyes open... I'm going to have to post a Part Two.
... To Be Continued ...
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, May 06, 2009 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Spring Weekend
We both took off early from work on Friday -- yay for flexi-time! -- so that we could enjoy the late afternoon sun. Our beach down at Ouaisne was busy; the tide was out and plenty of people were out for a stroll. Women in bikinis, even!
I'm so glad we did get to enjoy the weather, because although the weekend was supposed to be even better, it totally wasn't! Anyway, no complaints because Friday evening was lovely. We set out off across the bay to St Brelade, to have dinner at the Crab Shack (mmm, yummiest crab cakes!) before walking up to James's parents' house.
Here is Ouaisne bay as we set out; judging by all the tracks in the sand, it must have been a busy day for boats, too:
Here's a special kind of sandcastle. I guess some kind of little worm makes them; there're usually hundreds all across the beach and on Friday they were even bigger than usual -- about as big as your fist.
And here is our friend and Smugglers' barman, Stretch. He's only slightly taller than James at 6 feet, 3 inches... (plus another 2 inches for the hair?) He has to duck his head to get through all the doorways in the Smugglers:
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Sunday, April 19, 2009 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hair of the Dog
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Creatures of the Night
A couple of nights ago James jumped out of bed at about 3am, and couldn't find the light switch. That was the first clue that he was still half asleep -- he was searching all over the wall for the switch, which is actually on a different wall... I asked him what he was doing, and he just got madder. When I finally managed to tell him where it was, he turned the light on, then off, and got back into bed... I asked him what was wrong, and he grumpily told me "nothing." So, the next morning I reminded him about it and he explained that he had "woken up" to see a lobster (!?!) crawl out from under my pillow and head towards his. It wasn't until he turned the light on that he'd realised he'd been dreaming it. The funny thing... the lobster was RED! Cooked and ready to eat! (But according to James, still really scary...)
We didn't end up doing anything this weekend that we'd planned to do -- in fact, we didn't even Hash today. Yesterday we went to Ho8 -- the underground hospital -- which is a museum now but was built by slave labour during the German Occupation for use as a hospital. In the end it was never used for its intended purpose. You follow an exhibit that winds through the tunnels (no tour guides; just wander along by yourself -- in parts it's pretty creepy!) and it's all set out in chronological order, starting with an overview of the war, and then the Occupation itself (which lasted five years), right through to Liberation Day and beyond. Definitely was worth a visit, and although James had been before, he found it really interesting, too.
And today... not much. We watched the Grand Prix this morning until it was rained off, and this afternoon went to James's parents for Sunday lunch. So now I am full and sleepy, and need a nap.
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Sunday, April 05, 2009 3 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Taking a Break
We might need to take a break from the blog for a while, because:
I'm pretty busy for the next seven days.
So it's lucky it was part of the April 1st issue. Of course I didn't fall for it. Absolutely not.
Hooray! It's Friday! We don't really have plans for the weekend; Hash on Sunday, nothing on Saturday, maybe a concert tomorrow night. James's best friend is a percussionist and plays in the Jersey Symphony Orchestra occasionally.
Well, while I take a few days off to lodge an application for our blogger's licence, James is going to take over the writing part. He's going to leave out the contentious material until we're sure that this blog is legal under this new law. Ok?
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, April 02, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We're Back!
Looking down to the banks of the River Thames: all those people are gathered around a street entertainer
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Sunday, March 29, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Celebrations -- March 4th 2009
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
This and That
It's been a few days (a whole week even?) since we last wrote; sorry! There's really not much happening with us at the moment -- which we're quite happy about given recent events.
We got some great news a couple of days ago -- get your party hats out -- REMY HAS A NEW HOME! Hurrah! For me (I won't speak for James...), leaving Remy was one of the hardest things about leaving the US. At least we knew we'd see our friends again; not so with a dog! I have to admit I tried really hard to put him out of my mind and I think I succeeded pretty well. It doesn't help that every second person here seems to have a dog or two... and I'm noticing more Black Labs than I ever have before in my life... but I am SO happy that he was re-homed so quickly, and I just hope this is his LAST home. It certainly sounds like it will be. I LOVED that dog of ours... I'm quite happy (at the moment) to consider upping sticks again sometime in the future, but on the other hand, I really would like to live somewhere, one day, long enough to have a dog again. Properly. Someday. Maybe.
Otherwise... things are quiet. I have a job "chat" tomorrow -- it's not an interview, but more of an informal talk -- for a position at the States, which is the local government. I applied and had an interview for a position there a few weeks ago; managed to get down to the final five but didn't get the job... Well, I had a feedback interview last week and then the next day someone in the same department called me about a similar but temporary role; kind of a lower-level version of the job I applied for. So we'll see where that leads... It seems like James has been super-busy with interviews, too, and he has one lined up this Friday, also with the States. (I told a recruiter recently that we'd been working in the States and she asked "Oh, what department?"... Need to start saying "AMERICA"! Seems like virtually everyone works for the States here...) So... fingers crossed! We are both SO ready to get working, earning, and start saving for a holiday!
We've had some beautiful days recently, and I walked up to the shops today, across the beach. There were a couple of girls in flipflops and shorts -- it was sunny, but not exactly warm! Funny how people do that the world over -- we used to laugh at the "Neds" in Scotland stripping off at the first hint of sunshine even when it was only 10C out. Anyway, I was considering walking up through the park, but wimped out at the last minute and took the longer route along the road. So ridiculous -- not like we're likely to have that kind of experience ever again... Right?
We've been borrowing James's sister's car recently and last week we drove right around the Island, following the coast as much as possible. There's so much to see! We nearly ran over a pheasant (well we did; but it flew out from underneath the other side of the car! James was bummed we didn't kill it; they're a pest and we would've had dinner sorted), but other than that it was easy-going -- remember that maximum 40mph speed limit... it kind of forces you to enjoy the scenery! We also stopped to buy home-grown vegetables from a stall at the side of the road. I'd forgotten about Jersey's "Honesty Boxes" -- you just throw your money in a lock-box and take what you want; there's no one around to serve you. I think we''ll try and buy some of our fruit and vegetables like that from now on -- nice to support Island growers and it's a bit cheaper than the supermarket! The daffodils are coming out, too -- Jersey has a wild variety as well as the type grown commercially (50p for a bunch at the honest box!) -- and they're just everywhere. Pretty. Snowdrops, wild pansies and bluebells, too -- all very spring-is-coming-ish.
Well, that's really about it for us -- and I resorted to talking about the weather, too. Sorry. I've heard that Colorado has been having some pretty ok weather... Yep, we're jealous. It's really starting to sink in that we're here for good (whatever that means!) and I suspect we might both be suffering from mild cases of homesickness and even SAD. People are DEFINITELY grumpier here!
Which is why we are SO EXCITED to hear from several of our non-grumpy American Friends that a trip over might be on the cards... Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Come and cheer us all up soon!
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Monday, March 02, 2009 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Holy Crap-O!
James was very diligently sweeping our front patio last week, when he also decided to get rid of the pile of leaves that had built up behind our gate on the roadside. Twigs and leaves were clogging up the drainpipe there, so he gave that a good brush-out, too. Only something wouldn't budge... (CLICK ON THE PHOTOS! THEY TRULY WILL ENLARGE! OR YOUR MONEY BACK)
This little chappy -- actually, he was a fat old thing -- was desperately trying to get up the pipe. He didn't have much luck; the best he could manage was one leg off the ground before he slid back out. We thought he'd eventually give up and hop off, but a few hours later he was still wedged in there. Just then -- phew! -- a man popped over from the pub (word truly travels fast here...) and rescued the toad in the hole, returning him to a pond across the road.
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Monday, February 23, 2009 0 comments
After an eventful few days late last week, this week has started quietly -- in fact, super-quietly with more than 12 hours sleep last night for me! Ahhh. Nice.
Last Friday James had to make a statement at the police station; he was interviewed by the policeman who was first "on the scene" on Thursday. Silly, but I was almost slightly offended that they didn't want a statement from me, too, but after hearing James recount the events I was pleased I hadn't needed to! He remembered loads about times, sounds, clothes, positions and other scene details... I really can only remember how I felt -- not much use for the police, I'm sure. I did sit in on the interview, though, and it was interesting to hear about police procedures with this kind of incident. They were also able to tell us about the man -- where he worked etc, and a little about his family. Sadly, he has three sons -- none of whom were actually on the Island when he died. The youngest is 21.
James was informed that there will be an inquest at some point (because a death occurred in a public area) and he may be required to attend and give his statement again. It appears at this stage that it was an accidental death, although the police told us that the postmortem hadn't been done yet. Of course, this being Jersey -- with a population of just 90,000 -- word got around fast and we know people who knew this man. All very sad -- his family must be devastated, especially his kids who were all away at the time.
So we had hoped for a quiet weekend, of course! We were the Hares for the Hash run on Sunday, so we set the trail on Saturday (it's marked with flour, sawdust and chalk) and ran it with the pack yesterday. Pretty sore legs today from all those steep, steep hills and stony beaches.
And that brings me to the "beachcombing" part of this post... We've run on a few beaches now, and it's so interesting what gets washed up on each of them. Or what's naturally found on them. The beach we ran, ok -- limped -- across yesterday was scattered with teeny-tiny bright yellow shells and empty oyster shells. It was also really steep and pebbly rather than sandy. Our beach, on the other hand, is very sandy but steep and stony only immediately beneath the sea wall. At the end near our house you can find all kinds of treasures... but mainly balls! Golf balls and tennis balls so far -- and two 20-pence pieces last week, too (wedged into a rock and totaly sanded smooth). On the beach at St Brelade's Bay, there're wave-tumbled, smooth pieces of coloured glass and lots of pieces of coloured, broken china. Then all the fishing stuff... pieces of net, frayed rope, escaped buoys, chunks of styrofoam... If Jersey was a deserted island I'm absolutely sure you could build something impressive using washed-up junk. Hmm, reality TV idea. It is interesting, though, how certain things wash up only on certain beaches. I suppose it must depend on the weight of the object and the type of beach... or something?
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Monday, February 23, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Sad Discovery
It's midday here and the day didn't start very well. Unfortunately it didn't start at all for someone though. James and I decided to walk up to the gym, which entails a 20-minute walk across the beach (when the tide is out; if it's in, it separates our bay from St Brelade's Bay, so you have to follow the longer, hillier, coastal path) and then a short but very steep 10-minute traipse through a park.
We were coming up the steps that follow a small stream when James spotted a bundle of clothes; he made a joke about a body but almost immediately told me to stop walking. I noticed a shoe, attached to the clothes. James called the police right away and he stayed with the body (we saw right away that he wasn't alive) while I had to go and wait for the police on the road. More than anything it was just incredibly sad. My uneducated guess is that this man, who I think may have been around 60, was walking up the path, possibly last night, and something happened to cause him to fall in to the stream. His head was above water (it's very shallow) but I suppose the water level may have changed overnight.
We walked the same path yesterday afternoon so we know he wasn't there then. He had a little bit of blood on his forehead but otherwise looked as if he had lay down for a sleep really. He was on his side, with his feet pointing downhill, which is why I'm guessing he was walking uphill.
We waited with the police while they checked officially that he was dead. Then they took our details and we were able to leave. Although it was a bit of a shock it just makes me feel so sad for this guy's family, who must have been worried sick when he didn't come home. And if he didn't have a family then it's equally sad that he died all alone. He was wearing some kind of a uniform, so it's possible that he was going to work this morning when something happened.
Maybe if you have a quiet moment today you can send up a little prayer for this man's family and friends. A very sad way to die, I think.
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, February 19, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Parish of St Brelade and How to Escape the Island
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Tuesday, February 17, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Picture Poltergeist/Test Post
There's a real post below this... I'm just trying to figure out this technical problem with the photos (enlarging by clicking on) once and for all... Apparently when you click and drag them, the HTML link is broken. La la la, whatever. So... let's see if this works! If you can click and enlarge the car photo (which is also in the post below this), check out the pup -- he was actually winking at me when I took the pic!
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, February 12, 2009 1 comments
A High Tide and the Low Down
Yikes, it's been nearly a week since we last updated! Sorry about that... it's largely due to the fact that our Internet connection is "patchy" (to say the least) -- apparently that's the granite walls doing their thing, which means keeping everything out. Except the cold.
So, what can we tell you? Life on the rock is going well; we are jobless (still -- sigh), but enjoying the sunny spells between the rain (two, since last Friday!) and feeling hopeful that jobs will materialise SOON. James is waiting to hear after two interviews with the same company; and I'm also awaiting a phone call after an interview on Monday... Fingers crossed!
We may have mentioned that we joined a running club (stop your snickers)... It's a group that meets every Sunday to run in a different part of the island. James's dad is the "Grand Master" of the club, and every weekend a couple of different people act as "Hares" and lay the trail the day before the actual run. The point is to lay false trails and loops so that people run off ahead before realising they're on the wrong track (so the trick is to be at the back and let the keen ones do the work!). It's not a serious running club. But it is good fun and it's an excellent way to see the island -- in fact, most weeks you go through private property (with permission, of course), so you actually get to see places that most people won't. If you're brave or interested enough to learn more, go Google "Hash House Harriers". Don't believe everything you read... the history behind the club is really interesting and it's a world-wide organisation (meaning, Jersey is just a small part of the international "club" and therefore not as rambunctious as the other branches!). Please still be our friends once you've discovered the Hash motto, too. Please.
My dad's operation went well. It lasted a little longer than expected and was, unfortunately, delayed several hours to begin with, so I think it was a long day for both my parents. I wish I was at home with them! Dad will need another operation at some point to remove (I might be wrong) his thyroid, too. There is cancer there and also in his lung, I believe. Continued prayers and positive thoughts will be so appreciated! THANK YOU to all of you for leaving comments and sending emails with prayers, thoughts and everything else. Means a lot! Thanks!
We're heading into town shortly -- walking, no less. Yes, it is a sunny, beautiful and wind-less day... hurrah! St Helier is around 3 1/2 miles away from our flat -- all downhill, too. I think I'll take my camera, so expect more photos of a DIFFERENT part of the Island soon! I seem to have only taken photos so far of Ouaisne -- but there's just so much out there that's new and exciting that I can't help it. Bear with me and I'll start venturing further afield soon. (The Hash runs aren't the best time to lug a camera along... my running shoes are still drying out from last Sunday's run and have about six pounds of mud attached).
Two photos taken last night from Portelet Common (the headland directly behind our flat -- a short, steep scramble up the hill!):
Yes, this is our flat again... I thought I should show you just how close we are to the pub! The gap in the white wall is the entrance to our place... the next door up is the pub! They have an open fire going all day; good food; nice staff... see how I mean it might be dangerous?
Here are the Stuarts, enjoying a nice afternoon up at Portelet Common. The only thing we could find to balance the camera on that wasn't wet was a big old granite boulder -- hence the sloped horizon!
It's not so cold that you need a hat. But there are plenty of seagulls. I think they target the tourists:
Not a great photo, but one for the Dog Group! This is the carpark across from our flat, so three guesses where the dog's owner is... At the pub. Drink driving is against the law here, but I'm not sure about having your dog drive you home:
Close-up of the beach as the tide was going out; it makes such cool patterns! Almost looks like an aerial view I think:
We had a bit of a storm last Monday, and the tide came up very high! This photo is of where the road ends outside our place, and turns into the slipway. Look what the waves brought up! Some of those rocks are pretty big:
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, February 12, 2009 2 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Travel Advice: Avoiding the Jersey SCANTURS
Urgghh. James and I have both been suffering from SCANTURS. Nasty stuff.
We got so used to those great American roads -- straight, long and often flat. And even when they were neither straight or long nor flat, we were always in a BIG car.
So here we are in Jersey: tiny, narrow, steep, winding, bumpy little roads that are just so picturesque and pretty but UGH they make you sick. And the small cars seem to make it worse; perhaps because your field of vision is more limited. OK, I don't know.
(Today we went to the gym; I was feeling carsick when we arrived... and then we used this fancy new machine called a... um... hmmm... well, you turn it on and it jiggles and joggles and makes you feel like you're being shocked by a very low voltage (for a full minute! Yikes.). You can stand, sit, jump, lean, lie, stretch, walk, break-dance or pirouette on it and it um... well... uh... jiggles and joggles your muscles? I think. Anyway. It didn't help the carsickness.)
So, that travel advice? Stock up on motion sickness tablets if you plan on coming over. And stay away from the jiggle machine.
SCANTURS. Small-cars-and-narrow-twisty-undulating-roads Sickness: It could ruin your holiday.
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Friday, February 06, 2009 5 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Headlines: Returned Beans' Weigh-In Horror
Meet Daisy (a pedigree Jersey cow) in person when you visit the Island! (Photo courtesy of -- 'cos it's too darn wet and cold to go out and snap one myself)
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, February 04, 2009 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
What's This White Stuff?
N.B. Ha! This time you really should be able to click on the photos to enlarge them... I hope!
We just went down to the beach to draw a map of Jersey in the sand for you. Here it is -- the limpet shell is us (Ouaisne), you can also see some waves, and look -- there's the sun! But what's the blurry white stuff?
It's snow!
The following photos were taken in and around Ouaisne Bay...
Sorry for not updating over the past few days. I think we set this blog up last Wednesday, and on Thursday we had some bad news. I wasn't going to post about it, as we'd intended this to be our "fun times on the island" blog (ok, or something!) but then I couldn't quite bring myself to post about anything else anyway. So I thought about it, and I realised that bad things happen -- it's not always going to be fun times on the island -- and we don't stop thinking about the bad stuff , so why would I carry on writing on here as usual?
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Monday, February 02, 2009 3 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
How to Leave a Comment, For Those Who Asked
We had a few emails from people saying they couldn't leave a comment... come on, it's not that hard -- UNLESS SARAHS SETS UP THE BLOG! It should now be in correct working order -- simply click on "Comments" and then write your piece... Select a "User" type from the list -- "Anonymous" is probably easiest, so if you use that remember to leave your name in the comment itself!
As for the photos not enlarging when you click on them... Sarah again. Will work on it. Promise.
Righto, we need to head out the door and enjoy the sunshine -- yes! sunshine! -- while it lasts...
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Thursday, January 29, 2009 3 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Greetings From the Rock!
N.B. The formatting on this post is all over the place! We tried everything to get it right, but there's double-spacing in one paragraph and single in the next... We don't know what's going on; and the draft looks perfect! Please ignore it -- and hopefully we'll get it sorted in future posts... Also, please leave us a comment! Please... please... please?
CLICK ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE! (Trust us, they're much more impressive bigger!)
It's been a while -- we'd intended to start this blog as soon as we arrived here in Jersey, but time got away from us and we've spent the last few days job searching, re-acclimatising and catching up with James' family. Not necessarily in that order.
But it just gets better! ...
So many types of seaweed...
The view from the headland, looking out over Ouaisne Bay and "The Cottage" (home):
The Martello tower in Ouaisne Bay -- it was early in the morning, and the sea mist was rolling off the sand dunes. Unfortunately it turned into rain later in the day!
Standing on the headland between St Brelade Bay and Ouaisne Bay -- actually they're all one and the same until the tide comes in and separates them!
James found a friend on the beach! Seriously... this woman was out walking her dogs (yes, I AM jealous) and minding her own business -- until James bounded up and gave her a hug. Ah, everyone knows everyone in Jersey!
Lobster pots in our car park:
Ta-Da! Our 16th Century abode from the outside. Actually, we only have the ground floor... half of the ground floor... but still, it has CHARACTER! The history of this particular house is a story in itself (for another day!):
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4 comments