Looking down to the banks of the River Thames: all those people are gathered around a street entertainer
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We're Back!
Looking down to the banks of the River Thames: all those people are gathered around a street entertainer
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Sunday, March 29, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Celebrations -- March 4th 2009
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
This and That
It's been a few days (a whole week even?) since we last wrote; sorry! There's really not much happening with us at the moment -- which we're quite happy about given recent events.
We got some great news a couple of days ago -- get your party hats out -- REMY HAS A NEW HOME! Hurrah! For me (I won't speak for James...), leaving Remy was one of the hardest things about leaving the US. At least we knew we'd see our friends again; not so with a dog! I have to admit I tried really hard to put him out of my mind and I think I succeeded pretty well. It doesn't help that every second person here seems to have a dog or two... and I'm noticing more Black Labs than I ever have before in my life... but I am SO happy that he was re-homed so quickly, and I just hope this is his LAST home. It certainly sounds like it will be. I LOVED that dog of ours... I'm quite happy (at the moment) to consider upping sticks again sometime in the future, but on the other hand, I really would like to live somewhere, one day, long enough to have a dog again. Properly. Someday. Maybe.
Otherwise... things are quiet. I have a job "chat" tomorrow -- it's not an interview, but more of an informal talk -- for a position at the States, which is the local government. I applied and had an interview for a position there a few weeks ago; managed to get down to the final five but didn't get the job... Well, I had a feedback interview last week and then the next day someone in the same department called me about a similar but temporary role; kind of a lower-level version of the job I applied for. So we'll see where that leads... It seems like James has been super-busy with interviews, too, and he has one lined up this Friday, also with the States. (I told a recruiter recently that we'd been working in the States and she asked "Oh, what department?"... Need to start saying "AMERICA"! Seems like virtually everyone works for the States here...) So... fingers crossed! We are both SO ready to get working, earning, and start saving for a holiday!
We've had some beautiful days recently, and I walked up to the shops today, across the beach. There were a couple of girls in flipflops and shorts -- it was sunny, but not exactly warm! Funny how people do that the world over -- we used to laugh at the "Neds" in Scotland stripping off at the first hint of sunshine even when it was only 10C out. Anyway, I was considering walking up through the park, but wimped out at the last minute and took the longer route along the road. So ridiculous -- not like we're likely to have that kind of experience ever again... Right?
We've been borrowing James's sister's car recently and last week we drove right around the Island, following the coast as much as possible. There's so much to see! We nearly ran over a pheasant (well we did; but it flew out from underneath the other side of the car! James was bummed we didn't kill it; they're a pest and we would've had dinner sorted), but other than that it was easy-going -- remember that maximum 40mph speed limit... it kind of forces you to enjoy the scenery! We also stopped to buy home-grown vegetables from a stall at the side of the road. I'd forgotten about Jersey's "Honesty Boxes" -- you just throw your money in a lock-box and take what you want; there's no one around to serve you. I think we''ll try and buy some of our fruit and vegetables like that from now on -- nice to support Island growers and it's a bit cheaper than the supermarket! The daffodils are coming out, too -- Jersey has a wild variety as well as the type grown commercially (50p for a bunch at the honest box!) -- and they're just everywhere. Pretty. Snowdrops, wild pansies and bluebells, too -- all very spring-is-coming-ish.
Well, that's really about it for us -- and I resorted to talking about the weather, too. Sorry. I've heard that Colorado has been having some pretty ok weather... Yep, we're jealous. It's really starting to sink in that we're here for good (whatever that means!) and I suspect we might both be suffering from mild cases of homesickness and even SAD. People are DEFINITELY grumpier here!
Which is why we are SO EXCITED to hear from several of our non-grumpy American Friends that a trip over might be on the cards... Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Come and cheer us all up soon!
Posted by Bean1 and Bean2 at Monday, March 02, 2009 1 comments