Yikes, it's been nearly a week since we last updated! Sorry about that... it's largely due to the fact that our Internet connection is "patchy" (to say the least) -- apparently that's the granite walls doing their thing, which means keeping everything out. Except the cold.
So, what can we tell you? Life on the rock is going well; we are jobless (still -- sigh), but enjoying the sunny spells between the rain (two, since last Friday!) and feeling hopeful that jobs will materialise SOON. James is waiting to hear after two interviews with the same company; and I'm also awaiting a phone call after an interview on Monday... Fingers crossed!
We may have mentioned that we joined a running club (stop your snickers)... It's a group that meets every Sunday to run in a different part of the island. James's dad is the "Grand Master" of the club, and every weekend a couple of different people act as "Hares" and lay the trail the day before the actual run. The point is to lay false trails and loops so that people run off ahead before realising they're on the wrong track (so the trick is to be at the back and let the keen ones do the work!). It's not a serious running club. But it is good fun and it's an excellent way to see the island -- in fact, most weeks you go through private property (with permission, of course), so you actually get to see places that most people won't. If you're brave or interested enough to learn more, go Google "Hash House Harriers". Don't believe everything you read... the history behind the club is really interesting and it's a world-wide organisation (meaning, Jersey is just a small part of the international "club" and therefore not as rambunctious as the other branches!). Please still be our friends once you've discovered the Hash motto, too. Please.
My dad's operation went well. It lasted a little longer than expected and was, unfortunately, delayed several hours to begin with, so I think it was a long day for both my parents. I wish I was at home with them! Dad will need another operation at some point to remove (I might be wrong) his thyroid, too. There is cancer there and also in his lung, I believe. Continued prayers and positive thoughts will be so appreciated! THANK YOU to all of you for leaving comments and sending emails with prayers, thoughts and everything else. Means a lot! Thanks!
We're heading into town shortly -- walking, no less. Yes, it is a sunny, beautiful and wind-less day... hurrah! St Helier is around 3 1/2 miles away from our flat -- all downhill, too. I think I'll take my camera, so expect more photos of a DIFFERENT part of the Island soon! I seem to have only taken photos so far of Ouaisne -- but there's just so much out there that's new and exciting that I can't help it. Bear with me and I'll start venturing further afield soon. (The Hash runs aren't the best time to lug a camera along... my running shoes are still drying out from last Sunday's run and have about six pounds of mud attached).
Two photos taken last night from Portelet Common (the headland directly behind our flat -- a short, steep scramble up the hill!):
Yes, this is our flat again... I thought I should show you just how close we are to the pub! The gap in the white wall is the entrance to our place... the next door up is the pub! They have an open fire going all day; good food; nice staff... see how I mean it might be dangerous?
Here are the Stuarts, enjoying a nice afternoon up at Portelet Common. The only thing we could find to balance the camera on that wasn't wet was a big old granite boulder -- hence the sloped horizon!
It's not so cold that you need a hat. But there are plenty of seagulls. I think they target the tourists:
Not a great photo, but one for the Dog Group! This is the carpark across from our flat, so three guesses where the dog's owner is... At the pub. Drink driving is against the law here, but I'm not sure about having your dog drive you home:
Close-up of the beach as the tide was going out; it makes such cool patterns! Almost looks like an aerial view I think:
We had a bit of a storm last Monday, and the tide came up very high! This photo is of where the road ends outside our place, and turns into the slipway. Look what the waves brought up! Some of those rocks are pretty big: